# ExtendedSymbol

An extended symbol stores code, precision of the token amount and a contract name.

# Constructors

  • constructor(
      public sym: Symbol,
      public contract: Name

    sym - The Symbol object.

    contract - The Name object with for the contract


      import { ExtendedSymbol, Symbol, Name } from 'proton-tsc'
      const symbol = new ExtendedSymbol(new Symbol("XPR", 4), Name.fromString('mycontract'))

# Instance Methods

  • toString(): string

    Returns the extended symbol as a string in format precision,symbol@contract Uses toString method on Symbol object for the part before @ sign


    const symbol = new ExtendedSymbol(new Symbol("XUSDC", 6), Name.fromString('mycontract'));
    print(symbol.toString()); // 6,XUSDC@mycontract

# Static Methods

  • static function eq(a: ExtendedSymbol, b: ExtendedSymbol): bool

    Checks that symbols and contracts are equal for objects

    Throws if:

    • Symbols do not match or contracts do not match
  • static function neq(a: ExtendedSymbol, b: ExtendedSymbol): bool

    Checks that symbols and contracts are not equal for objects

    Throws if:

    • Symbols are equal and contracts are equal
  • static function lt(a: ExtendedSymbol, b: ExtendedSymbol): bool

    Checks that the symbol a is less than b and contract a is less than b

    Throws if:

    • Symbol a is greater or equal b or contract a is greater or equal b