# XPR Network Web SDK


If you would like to contribute to our open source code, you can do so here (opens new window)

# Installation


npm i @proton/web-sdk


yarn add @proton/web-sdk

# Instantiation

To use and instantiate, first import the ProtonWebSDK function from the SDK.

import ProtonWebSDK from '@proton/web-sdk'

The following is a list of arguments that ProtonWebSDK accepts:

Argument Type Required Effect
linkOptions Object true Customize options for communication with chain
transportOptions Object false Customize options for transport (communication with client)
selectorOptions Object false Customize display options for wallet selection

# linkOptions:

Key Type Required Description
endpoints array true List of chain API endpoints. Only one endpoint is needed, but the function accepts an array of multiple endpoints for fault tolerance
chainId string false Chain ID or PSR chain name alias for which the link is valid
storage LinkStorage false Storage interface (see below)
storagePrefix string false Optional prefix added to key names of stored items if default storage is used
restoreSession boolean false Determine if connection request is to restore a saved session. This will not prompt the wallet selector modal to pop up if restoring a session.

Custom Storage

By default, the SDK will use local storage with a default prefix of 'proton-storage.' The implementation can be found on Github (opens new window).

In order to use a custom storage method, please implement the following interface.

export interface LinkStorage {
    /** Write string to storage at key. Should overwrite existing values without error. */
    write(key: string, data: string): Promise<void>
    /** Read key from storage. Should return `null` if key can not be found. */
    read(key: string): Promise<string | null>
    /** Delete key from storage. Should not error if deleting non-existing key. */
    remove(key: string): Promise<void>

# transportOptions:

Key Type Description
requestAccount string

Account that is requesting the transaction with client

*Will most likely be the same as appName

**Optional, but will display "Unknown Requestor' in transaction request if no value is given

backButton boolean Option to disable the back button in transport modal to return to wallet selector modal. Automatically shows the back button unless specified to false.

# selectorOptions:

Key Type Description
appName String Name of app to display in wallet selector
appLogo String Logo image of app to display in wallet selector
customStyleOptions Object Custom styles for the wallet selector modal for further customization. This is an optional object to pass in. If nothing is passed in, it will default to a white modal. This is particularly useful if you would like to change the background for dark mode websites.
enabledWalletTypes Array Array of wallet types to show for login: proton for Mobile wallet, webauth for browser wallet and anchor for desktop wallet

Custom Styling for Wallet Selector Modal

The wallet selector modal can be customized like so with the following example:

customStyleOptions: {
    modalBackgroundColor: '#F4F7FA',
    logoBackgroundColor: 'white',
    isLogoRound: true,
    optionBackgroundColor: 'white',
    optionFontColor: 'black',
    primaryFontColor: 'black',
    secondaryFontColor: '#6B727F',
    linkColor: '#752EEB'

# Usage

# Class Initialization

class ProtonSDK {
  constructor() {
    this.chainId = process.env.REACT_APP_CHAIN_ID;
    this.endpoints = [process.env.REACT_APP_CHAIN_ENDPOINT]; // Multiple for fault tolerance
    this.appName = 'appName';
    this.requestAccount = 'accountName'; // optional
    this.session = null;
    this.link = null;

The above is an example using React.js to serve as reference for the methods below.

# Login

Using the return value from ProtonWebSDK, call the method with the appName as an argument. Not supplying an appName will cause the login request to display 'Unknown requestor' as the requestor.

login = async () => {
    try {
      const { link, session } = await ProtonWebSDK({
        linkOptions: { chainId: this.chainId, endpoints: this.endpoints },
        transportOptions: { requestAccount: this.requestAccount, backButton: true },
        selectorOptions: { appName: this.appName, appLogo: appLogo}
      this.link = link;
      this.session = session;
      return { auth: session.auth };
    } catch (e) {
      return e;

The session information should be stored to call other ProtonWebSDK methods.

session.auth contains actor and permission information required to approve a transaction and other ProtonWebSDK methods.\

# Transaction

To initiate a transaction, use the transact method.

sendTransaction = async (actions) => {
    try {
      const result = await this.session.transact(
        { actions: actions },
        { broadcast: true }
      return result;
    } catch (e) {
      return e;

The actions key takes in an Array of transactions to send to the client for approval. The broadcast key determines if the transaction is to be broadcasted, or to simply return the signature.

# Actions

A transaction action object takes the following form.

const actions = [{
        account: 'xtokens',
        name: 'transfer',
        authorization: [{
          actor: actor,
          permission: permission
        data: {
            from: actor,
            to: ProtonSDK.requestAccount,
            quantity: '1.000000 XUSDT',
            memo: 'memo'

The account value is the token contract for the token being exchanged. In the example above, the token being exchanged is XUSDT for which the token contract is xtokens.

The actor and permission values can be destructured from the session.auth value from login.
The memo value serves as additional details attached to the transaction, but does not affect the transaction.

For any transactions with X wrapped tokens, the account must be set to xtokens

For all other transactions including XPR, the account must be set to eosio.tokens

FOOBAR token is a test token that can be used for testing purposes on XPR Network mainnet. This token is dispensed for free at the Foobar Faucet (opens new window). For any transactions with FOOBAR token, please reference the code block below.

const actions = [{
        account: 'xtokens',
        name: 'transfer',
        authorization: [{
          actor: actor,
          permission: permission
        data: {
            from: actor,
            to: ProtonSDK.requestAccount,
            quantity: '5.000000 FOOBAR',
            memo: 'memo'
Account Decimal Places For Transactions Examples Tokens
xtokens 6 FOOBAR, XUSDT
eosio.token 4 XPR

# Logout

To logout, call the logout method with appName and sesstion.auth as arguments.

logout = async () => {
    await this.link.removeSession(this.requestAccount, this.session.auth);

# Restore Session

To restore a previous session, call the ProtonWebSDK function similar to login, but set the restoreSession key as true in linkOptions. Since it is not necessary to show wallet selector modal when restoring a session, this function will not display the modal selector.

restoreSession = async () => {
    try {
      const { link, session } = await ProtonWebSDK({
        linkOptions: { chainId: this.chainId, endpoints: this.endpoints, restoreSession: true},
        transportOptions: { requestAccount: this.requestAccount },
        selectorOptions: { appName: this.appName, appLogo: appLogo, showSelector: false}
      this.link = link;
      this.session = session;

      if (session) {
        return { auth: this.session.auth };
      } else {
        return { auth: { actor: '', permission: '' }};
    } catch(e) {
      return e;

If there is no saved session or if saved session information is incomplete, the ProtonWebSDK function will return { null, null } and will remove any remaining saved information to remove unexpected side effects.