# User Tokens

# Install

npm i @proton/api

# Instantiation

import { ApiClass } from '@proton/api'

const protonApi = new ApiClass('proton')

# Fetch All Token Balances For User

await protonApi.getAccountTokens(accountName)

An example of an expected response is shown below.

		currency: 'XPR',
		amount: 50,
		contract: 'eosio.token',
		decimals: '4'
		currency: 'XUSDC',
		amount: 19.99,
		contract: 'xtokens',
		decimals: '6'
		currency: 'FOOBAR',
		amount: 300,
		contract: 'xtokens',
		decimals: '6'

# Fetch Single Token Balance for User

A token balance can be retrieved using the getTokenBalance method. This method takes an account which is a smart contract storing the tokens, an account who has a balance in the token table of the specified smart contract, and the symbol of the token to retrieve the currency balance for.

await protonApi.getTokenBalance('eosio.token', 'testacc', 'XPR')

An example of an expected response is shown below.

[ '68.3081 XPR' ]