# XPR Network React Native SDK


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# Installation

yarn add @proton/react-native-sdk react-native-get-random-values @react-native-community/async-storage

cd ios
pod install

# Usage

# Initialization

import ProtonRNSDK, {
} from '@proton/react-native-sdk';

class ProtonSDK {
  chainId: string;
  endpoints: string[];
  requestAccount: string;
  session: LinkSession;
  link: ProtonLink;

  constructor() {
    this.chainId =
    this.endpoints = ['https://testnet.protonchain.com']; // Multiple for fault tolerance
    this.requestAccount = 'taskly'; // optional
    this.session = null;
    this.link = null;

# Login

Using the return value from the default call, call the login method with the chainId, endpoints, the requestAccount and the getReturnUrl function. The getRetunUrl function returns the url scheme of the app that the user will be redirected to after an interaction with the WebAuth App. Default call will return the user session (LinkSession) and a link (ProtonLink).

login = async () => {
  const { session, link } = await ProtonRNSDK({
    linkOptions: { chainId: this.chainId, endpoints: this.endpoints },
    transportOptions: {
      requestAccount: this.requestAccount,
      getReturnUrl: () => 'taskly://main',

  this.link = link;
  this.session = session;
  return { auth: session.auth };

This function can be used in code like this:

// Usage
const protonSDK = new ProtonSDK();

// usage login()
try {
  const { auth } = await protonSDK.login();

  // do something like go to a subscription page
} catch (ex) {
  // login failed
  Alert.alert('Error', ex.message);

Note that login will throw an exception if the user does not authorize the login.

# Transaction

To initiatize a transaction, use the transact method of the session object:

sendTransaction = async (actions: Action) => {
  return this.session.transact({ actions: actions }, { broadcast: true });

The following code shows a small example how to send 5 XUSDT to an account:

try {
  const actions = [
      account: 'xtokens',
      name: 'transfer',
      authorization: [
          actor: rootStore.actor, // auth.actor that was saved before
          permission: rootStore.permission, // auth.permission that was saved before
      data: {
        from: rootStore.actor, // auth.actor that was saved before
        to: protonSDK.requestAccount, // the account the transaction is send to
        quantity: '5.000000 XUSDT', // the amount of the transaction
        memo: 'Taskly',

  const tx = await protonSDK.sendTransaction(actions);

  // navigate to the subscribed page
} catch (ex) {
  // the transaction failed
  Alert.alert('Error', ex.message);

Please note that if the user does not authorize the transaction, an exception will be thrown.

# Logout

To logout call removeSession on the link object.

logout = async () => {
  await this.link.removeSession(this.requestAccount, this.session.auth);
  this.session = null;
  this.link = null;

In the application you can use it like this:

// usage logout

# Restore session

To restore a previous session, call the default function similar to login, but set the restoreSession key as true in linkOptions.

  restoreSession = async () => {
    try {
      const { link, session } = await ProtonRNSDK({
        linkOptions: {
          chainId: this.chainId,
          endpoints: this.endpoints,
          restoreSession: true,
        transportOptions: {
          requestAccount: this.requestAccount,
          getReturnUrl: () => 'taskly://main',
      this.link = link;
      this.session = session;

      console.log('session', this.session);

      if (session) {
        return {
          auth: this.session.auth
      } else {
        return { auth: { actor: '', permission: '' } };
    } catch (e) {
      return e;

The code below shows how restoreSesssion might be used:

try {
  await protonSDK.restoreSession();
} catch (ex) {

if (protonSDK.session !== null) {
  console.log('session still exists');
} else {
  console.log('session does not exits anymore');